Hello all, and welcome to Growing Microgreens Indoors!
My “True Confession”

The truth is, I was never very good with plants. Unlike pets or children, plants don’t nag you when they they need to eat or drink. So I would tend to neglect them until they began to wilt, and then inevitably overwater them, usually resulting in their demise.
But I wanted to add microgreens to my diet to improve my health. (My doctor had said I “could stand” to lose a little weight. Lovely.) It was difficult to find microgreens in the small town where I lived, and when I could find them, they were priced way out of my budget. I figured the only way I was going to be able to start consuming microgreens was by growing them myself.
I didn’t even know where to start. I spent hours researching on the internet and talking with people who professionally grew plants indoors. I had much trial and error, but I eventually figured out what worked and what didn’t – to a point – I still don’t consider myself an advanced grower. But honestly, there are a lot of varieties of microgreens that are really easy to grow. [Suggested read: “The EASIEST Microgreens To Grow“] Now I can have a variety of microgreens growing just steps from my kitchen, and I can easily eat them every day.
Why I Think Everyone Should Try Growing Microgreens
I think microgreens can change the world. Really.
I’m just an average gal. I’m not a health guru, and I don’t have a particularly “green thumb.” I know that there are lots of other people out there just like me, who would like to experience the powerful benefits of including these nutritious super foods in their diet, but who don’t have a consistent, reliable way to obtain them.

Growing your own food is so empowering, and microgreens are an ideal crop to launch you into this wonderful, self-sufficient hobby.
You don’t need to have an outdoor garden space. You don’t have to wait for the right growing season. You don’t have to spend a fortune, and you definitely don’t have to have a “green thumb.” You can start right away and be just days away from adding super nutritious microgreens into your daily diet.
Healthy food you grew yourself. Mmmm..azing

My Goal
The goal of this site is to save you the time, effort and expense of figuring out the process of growing microgreens yourself.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
Happy Growing,
Susan James